ToolboxKit: Coding made simpler and faster for what matters.

Used by the following entities:

    • Fractale Vision

    Everything you need to quickly complete your goals.

    The module contains functions aimed to lower technical weight or UX fatigue.

    Untraditional Big Data cases (large download, irregular files, etc.), data cleaning, and statistical analysis.

    Frequently asked questions

    Feel free to contact support in case you have an unanswered question.

      • Where can I see more information about the module`s functions (technical aspects to implement it in my projet).

        On the documentation website at

      • How can I declare a bug ?

        On the GitHub page, please review the rules on Issue creation there.

      • I see there are dependency from other well known modules that I have to install before using ToolboxKit, how come ?

        Because we do not reinvent the wheel if a popular open-source module already implemented it. Generally, we will offer very high level abstracted functions that uses other modules to create a specific result.

      • I am using your module, can I be on your list of users ?

        Of course! Feel free to contact us and tell us your story.

      • How do I cite usage of this module in my scientific publication ?

        Please use as a citation the official paper about Toolboxkit at TODO.

      • How do I cite usage for course slides, or private projects ?

        For course slides, it would be recommended to cite the specific documentation of a shown Functions, or at least a website of ToolboxKit. For private projects, there is no need for public aknowledgement from you, but we would be grateful if you wish to do it.

      • Is this module open-source ?

        Yes! This module is open-source and self-funded by the maintainer, Steve Lévesque, as of now.

      • Does this project take donations ?

        Thank you for considering donating for this project, you can donate through the ToolboxKit GitHub page sponsor button. In case of any specificality/questions in regards to this, please feel free to contact us.

      • What are other ways to help ?

        Assist as a maintainer, finding valid bugs, share and discuss on social networks about ToolboxKit, and many other!

    Get started today

    Add the Toolboxkit module to your project right now!

    View GitHub pageView Documentation